
Why you don't want to build your Chromium packages against a system copy of FFmpeg

Why you don't want to build your Chromium packages against a system copy of FFmpeg:

  1. Chromium's internal FFmpeg copy is based on FFmpeg-mt. FFmpeg-mt is an experimental multithreaded branch of FFmpeg. It hasn't been deemed ready to merge into FFmpeg proper. Chromium only uses a subset of FFmpeg functionality and is thus less likely to experience regressions from using FFmpeg-mt. FFmpeg-mt is however much faster than vanilla FFmpeg on multicore systems.
  2. Chromium's FFmpeg is heavily patched. Some of the patches allow for a checked get_bits() implementation. Better input buffer checking without the overhead of a checked get_bits() will probably require a major bump in libavcodec. Some simply remove code that happens to be dead in Chromium's FFmpeg but is useful in general. Some seem to have gotten stuck in patch hell.
  3. Chromium makes use of new FFmpeg features very quickly. Chromium first made use of av_register_protocol2() just one month after it was added to FFmpeg. If you are using system FFmpeg with Chromium either video playback breaks or the browser update is blocked by a system wide FFmpeg update.

If you are concerned about shipping FFmpeg, you can build Chromium against its internal libffmpegsumo and just not ship libffmpegsumo. Using the version number it is easy for a third party to reconstruct a libffmpegsumo that matches your Chromium build.

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